What to do in Greenhithe

Activities, attractions and tours
Bluewater Shopping Centre which includes shopping and café lifestyle

Greenhithe Tourist Attractions & Activities

If you’re searching for an exciting holiday, count on Expedia.com.au to help you find interesting attractions, enlightening experiences, and tons of other fun things to do in Greenhithe AU$12. From first-rate tours to incredible deals on sightseeing trips – our extensive selection of local things to do and places to visit is just a few clicks away.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re travelling alone, alongside your main squeeze, or with your favourite friends or family members, Expedia has the inside scoop on what to see and do while in this corner of the world. And our search tool makes it simple to score the best deals around. So regardless of if you are on a tight budget or prefer to spare no expense, you’ll find exactly what you’re looking for by browsing over 5 activities in Greenhithe, England.

The intuitive booking system here on Expedia.com.au makes planning your holiday easier—and more affordable—than ever before. And not only can you discover all the best Greenhithe attractions from AU$12, but you can also book flights, hire cars, and reserve hotel rooms all in just a few moments. A world of wonder awaits you and your travelling companions. Count on Expedia.com.au to help you plan the holiday of your dreams, and you’ll have the time of your life.

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Top places to visit

1. Hyde Park

Hyde Park is one of London’s largest and most well-known parks. The park connects with Kensington Gardens and the two combined cover 630 acres (253 hectares). Together they form the centrepiece of a network of parks known as “London’s Green Lung.” Once the private hunting grounds of King Henry VIII, today the park is filled with heritage sites, monuments and events to attend all year-round.
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Hyde Park which includes a garden, a city and a pond

2. Big Ben

As you approach Westminster, towering Big Ben comes into view, standing majestically on the banks of the River Thames atop the glorious Houses of Parliament. Romanticised throughout the years in various films such as “Bridget Jones’s Diary”, “Notting Hill” and “Love Actually”, Big Ben is the standing soul of this great city.
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Big Ben which includes heritage architecture, a monument and a city

3. Tower Bridge

Situated just outside tower hill, the colossal gothic towers straddling the River Thames are a welcoming sight for locals and visitors alike. Soaring majestically up into the London city skyline, Tower Bridge enables around 40,000 vehicles to cross the River Thames every day.
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Tower Bridge showing night scenes, a bridge and a river or creek

4. London Eye

The London Eye is a great way to view all the sights of the city from one single standpoint. As you ascend this enormous rotating wheel, watch the city unfold at your feet. On a clear day visitors can see as far as Winsor Castle, almost 40 kilometres away.
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London Eye featuring a high-rise building, rides and night scenes

5. Buckingham Palace

Home to the British Royal family since 1837, Buckingham Palace has for centuries been at the forefront of true British tradition. Having hosted countless lavish banquets, foreign dignitary receptions and state degrees, this elegant palace has withstood decades of change and stands today as the symbol of Britain’s constitutional monarchy.
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Buckingham Palace featuring château or palace, heritage architecture and a city

6. Piccadilly Circus

This rather unusual name derives from a tailor named Roger Baker, famous for making the frilled collars worn by men the 17th Century. Contrary to popular belief, the “circus” refers to the circular motion of traffic that trundles around the central statue of the Greek god Anteros. Today, Piccadilly Circus is an amalgamation of bright lights, lavish entertainment and bustling commuters, a scene which attracts thousands of visitors each year, day and night.
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Piccadilly Circus showing heritage architecture, a city and street scenes

7. O2 Arena

The O2 Arena is an award-winning complex that hosts many types of events, such as sports and music. It has a seating capacity of about 20,000 and has held the title as the busiest arena in the world with more than 2 million ticket sales in a calendar year. It was designed with excellent acoustics to prevent echoing.
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O2 Arena which includes modern architecture

8. Tower of London

The Tower of London is among Britain’s top tourist attractions. Although it’s mainly known as a place of imprisonment and execution, this remarkable building has also served as palace, mint, archive, armory, barracks and royal menagerie over the years. See the legendary crown jewels and learn about the tower’s often brutal history.
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Tower of London which includes château or palace and heritage elements

9. Bluewater Shopping Centre

Bluewater Shopping Centre is one of the largest malls in Europe, with countless stores, restaurants and cafés for visitors to enjoy. The mall hosts events year-round as well as entertainment for children, including an adventure park and 4-D theater. Unwind with spa treatments and a stroll through the mall’s scenic grounds.
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Bluewater Shopping Centre which includes fashion, shopping and interior views

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