Pieter Both Mountain

Spend an adventurous day climbing the second-highest mountain on the African island of Mauritius. Admire breathtaking island views throughout the hike.

Pieter Both Mountain lies in the majestic Moka Range of Mauritius. Enjoy a supervised climb to the summit of this beautiful mountain and marvel at its slender peak, lush green surroundings and panoramic island views. Stop to admire the native plants and animals and enjoy a picnic with stunning vistas.

The guided hiking tour of Pieter Both Mountain is essential for all visitors to Port Louis, the charming capital of Mauritius. For a safe and enjoyable climb, book an exceptional daytrip exploring the mountain. This hike is extremely rewarding, though not for the faint-hearted.

Rise early and take a scenic 30-minute taxi ride from Port Louis to the small village of La Laura at the foot of Pieter Both Mountain. After a safety briefing from your instructors, you will be equipped with helmets, harnesses and ropes. Follow guides along a winding mountain trail and notice the island’s rich and diverse flora and fauna. Pass old-growth trees and colorful birdlife. Try to spot the rare Mauritian kestrel in its native habitat.

After several hours of picturesque hiking, arrive at a stunning cliff face and gaze out over the rolling hills of the Crève Coeur Valley. Stop for a rest, take some impressive vacation photos and enjoy a picnic in the peaceful natural surroundings. After a refreshing break, the guides will help you hike up the rocky shoulder of the cliff above. From this height, gaze out over Port Louis and the sparkling Indian Ocean.

The exhilarating final section of the mountain climb requires supervised rock climbing with safety ropes. Scramble up glorious ridges to the lookout, perched on the majestic summit of Pieter Both Mountain. From this vantage point, view the fascinating boulder-like rock formation perched on the mountain’s pinnacle; it resembles a human head. Roughly 29 feet (9 meters) in diameter, this vast boulder was formed from volcanic lava 10 million years ago.

After the challenging climb, a relaxed descent from the mountain takes 3 hours. Pieter Both Mountain offers an unforgettable experience of Mauritian nature to its visitors. Plan to see and climb the mountain during your Mauritius vacation.