What to do in Armagh

Activities, attractions and tours
St. Patrick\'s Cathedral which includes a statue or sculpture, heritage elements and a monument

Armagh Tourist Attractions & Activities

If you’re searching for an exciting holiday, count on Expedia.com.au to help you find interesting attractions, enlightening experiences, and tons of other fun things to do in Armagh AU$1,432. From first-rate tours to incredible deals on sightseeing trips – our extensive selection of local things to do and places to visit is just a few clicks away.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re travelling alone, alongside your main squeeze, or with your favourite friends or family members, Expedia has the inside scoop on what to see and do while in this corner of the world. And our search tool makes it simple to score the best deals around. So regardless of if you are on a tight budget or prefer to spare no expense, you’ll find exactly what you’re looking for by browsing over 1 activities in Armagh, Northern Ireland.

The intuitive booking system here on Expedia.com.au makes planning your holiday easier—and more affordable—than ever before. And not only can you discover all the best Armagh attractions from AU$1,432, but you can also book flights, hire cars, and reserve hotel rooms all in just a few moments. A world of wonder awaits you and your travelling companions. Count on Expedia.com.au to help you plan the holiday of your dreams, and you’ll have the time of your life.

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Top places to visit

1. Armagh Planetarium

Armagh Planetarium is an informative complex offering an otherworldly look at the universe. It offers a variety of multimedia shows that explain our planet, the stars and myths and facts surrounding space. Teach your kids about the mysteries of the universe at this hands-on, compelling site.
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Armagh Planetarium

2. St. Patrick's Cathedral

St. Patrick’s Roman Catholic Cathedral is a 19th-century religious icon in a rural part of Armagh. Standing on a green hill, the church and its tall twin spires rise above the city. Explore the church’s fascinating collection of historical relics and examine stone carvings that date back thousands of years.
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St. Patrick\'s Cathedral which includes a church or cathedral, religious elements and interior views

3. St. Patrick's Church of Ireland Cathedral

St. Patrick’s Anglican Cathedral is the heart of the Church of Ireland, an important structure on a hill in Armagh. It is the counterpart to nearby St. Patrick’s Roman Catholic Cathedral, with whom it shares cordial relationships.
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Armagh which includes a church or cathedral, religious aspects and heritage architecture

4. Armagh Robinson Library

Armagh Robinson Library (formerly Armagh Public Library) is one of Ireland’s oldest libraries. Many of its collections date back even further than the beautiful historic building that houses them. Enter the library and find yourself in literary paradise, with bookcases reaching all the way up to the top of the building’s high ceilings. In addition to these written treasures, the library also houses a wide selection of other fascinating historical items.
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Armagh showing heritage elements, interior views and an administrative building

5. Navan Centre & Fort

The Navan Centre and Fort is a complex that honors and attempts to explain an ancient pagan monument. The fascinating site consists of a circular hill where buildings once existed, surrounded by a ditch. Stop and reflect on the possible origins and purposes of this ceremonial complex that has become an integral part of Celtic mythology.
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Navan Fort and Visitor Centre which includes heritage elements, heritage architecture and a house

6. Palace Demesne

The Palace Demesne is a scenic historical parkland just a short walk from Armagh’s city center. The original palace was established along with a new archbishop’s residence in the late 18th century, when Church of Ireland leadership returned to Armagh after centuries away. Visit the Palace Demesne to admire its dignified architecture and stroll around its landscaped grounds and gardens.
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Armagh featuring heritage architecture, flowers and a castle

7. No 5 Vicars' Hill

No 5 Vicars’ Hill may look like a humble old home from the street, but the wide-ranging collections inside offer a fascinating portal to the past. Stroll along the row of Georgian houses known as Vicars Hill, many of them constructed by the 18th-century Archbishop Richard Robinson. Visit No 5 Vicars’ Hill to discover an expansive exhibit of historical artifacts, from Neolithic stone tools to early modern prints and medals.
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Armagh which includes street scenes

Recommended things to do in Armagh

Number of things to do
Things to do from
Cheapest thing to do
Small Group Armagh Private Day Tour From Belfast Navan Fort Celts
Top 5 things to do
Half-day tours
With kids

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