What to do in Great Camanoe Island

Activities, attractions and tours

Great Camanoe Island Tourist Attractions & Activities

If you’re searching for an exciting holiday, count on Expedia.com.au to help you find interesting attractions, enlightening experiences, and tons of other fun things to do in Great Camanoe Island AU$106. From first-rate tours to incredible deals on sightseeing trips – our extensive selection of local things to do and places to visit is just a few clicks away.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re travelling alone, alongside your main squeeze, or with your favourite friends or family members, Expedia has the inside scoop on what to see and do while in this corner of the world. And our search tool makes it simple to score the best deals around. So regardless of if you are on a tight budget or prefer to spare no expense, you’ll find exactly what you’re looking for by browsing over 28 activities in Great Camanoe Island, Other Islands.

The intuitive booking system here on Expedia.com.au makes planning your holiday easier—and more affordable—than ever before. And not only can you discover all the best Great Camanoe Island attractions from AU$106, but you can also book flights, hire cars, and reserve hotel rooms all in just a few moments. A world of wonder awaits you and your travelling companions. Count on Expedia.com.au to help you plan the holiday of your dreams, and you’ll have the time of your life.

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Top places to visit

1. Virgin Islands National Park

Virgin Islands National Park spreads across more than 7,000 acres (2,800 hectares) of the island of St. John, encompassing tropical bays, coral reefs, stunning beaches, mangrove swamps and forested hills. Follow one of the scenic hiking trails, delve into Caribbean history at an 18th-century plantation or simply lie back and soak up the sun on one of the park’s white-sand beaches.
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Honeymoon Beach showing a sandy beach

2. Trunk Bay

Part of the protected Virgin Islands National Park, the idyllic Trunk Bay is one of the most famous beaches on St. John. Lie back and relax on the sands, dip your feet in the warm water or don a snorkel and explore the underwater trail here.
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Trunk Bay which includes island images

3. Cinnamon Bay Beach

Cinnamon Bay is a picturesque coastal stretch known for its excellent snorkeling conditions. A former Danish plantation that now serves as an open-air museum adds history and intrigue to this scenic part of the world. Explore the trails of this tropical coastline for a glimpse of its sprawling beauty.
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Cinnamon Bay which includes a sandy beach

4. Honeymoon Beach

Honeymoon Beach is an idyllic stretch of white sand with shallow, clear water and swaying palm trees. As one of the seven beaches of the Caneel Bay Resort, it has many amenities and a rental hut for water sports. Relax on a deck chair and work on your tan in this serene paradise.
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Honeymoon Beach showing a sandy beach

5. Caneel Bay Beach

Caneel Bay is a spectacular resort in harmony with the scenic forests decorating a peninsula on St. John. It is an idyllic spot for snorkeling, star gazing, kayaking and many other activities. Get to know the resort with a ride on its cute donkeys and explore the seas with a yacht trip.
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Caneel Bay showing tropical scenes and a sandy beach

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Day trip destinations from Great Camanoe Island