Casa de Campo Marina

Whether you own a boat or not, this pretty marina provides restaurants, drinking clubs and a golf course to serve sophisticated tastes. 

Enjoy three-course meals and delight in a pretty oceanfront setting at the Casa de Campo Marina. This marina is best known as a safe harbor for boats up to 250 feet (76.2 meters) long. Spend time on the local golf course or enjoy a cocktail at the yacht club while you enjoy some Dominican luxury.

This yachting community has developed over the past few decades around the mouth of the Chavon River. Its most striking feature is its colonial style, dominated by white façades and red roofs. Walk the Portofino Plaza to admire the architecture.

Among hotels and clubs, find a number of shopping areas throughout the community. Big-name fashion stores populate Calle Barlovento, La Placita de La Ribera and Paseo del Mar. For an afternoon activity, browse a local art gallery or go to the Altos de Chavon, a rustic village built in coral rock atop a cliff. While here, try a pastry at the bakery or learn about the area’s pre-Columbian history at an archeological museum.

For lunch, visit Minitas Beach, where locals come to relax and enjoy the Caribbean sun. Enjoy a grilled meal at an oceanfront restaurant and recharge your muscles at a nearby massage hut.

A number of agents around the marina offer yacht and fishing boat rental. Visit in May during the fishing season. This busy time is your best chance of landing one of the ocean’s biggest trophies, the blue marlin.

Amenities around the community include pharmacies, laundry service and boat refueling stations. Keen golfers can enjoy the local golf course, which is ranked among the country’s best.

In the evenings, savor a drink in the lounge area of the yacht club.

Casa de Campo Marina is located on the southeast coast of Dominican Republic. It is a 30-minute drive from La Romana International Airport.