Winnifred Beach

Discover a lovely vacation location, with white sands, crystal seas and friendly smiles, away from tourist hubs in Portland Parish.

Lounge on the sand in the shade of sprawling trees or bob around on the sparkling sea at Winnifred Beach. This small beach village offers one of few remaining places in Jamaica where you can jump in the water without paying anybody.

Winnifred Beach is not easy to reach, which makes it just a bit more special. Rent a four-wheel drive to get down the tricky path through the trees. Then the beach will open up in front of you. Relax, feel the sun on your skin and enjoy the natural beauty and cheerful community vibe.

You won’t be the only visitor and there might be a few hawkers, but this is still a very low-key destination, especially on weekdays. Pack your snorkel and fins to explore the nearby reef. Bring a soccer ball because there’s enough room on the grass for a game. Local residents enjoy playing cricket at Winnifred Beach as well. You might be lucky and hear the infectious beat of live reggae music, right on the beach. Take a boat trip on the clear waters to nearby Monkey Island where sea turtles are often sighted.

After your swim and sunbathing, taste traditional Jamaican food from one of the vendor huts on the beach. You’ll also be able to buy local crafts and jewelry. The area is a bit of an oasis. While Jamaica’s beaches are becoming privatized one by one, it won’t cost you a cent to splash around at Winnifred, something the locals are very proud of. The local community cooperates to maintain this treasure. Make a small donation in gratitude, if you wish.

The village is located between Boston Bay and the Blue Lagoon. It’s possible to reach Winnifred Beach by trekking through the jungle from the neighboring coves, but if you’re traveling by more traditional vehicle, ask for directions to make sure you’re on the right track.