Those who smoke might say there’s nothing comparable to a Cuban cigar and even though an embargo exists in the U.S., the next best thing comes from Miami’s Cuba Tobacco Cigar Co. Established in 1896 in Havana, the Bello family enterprise later came to the U.S. fleeing Communist rule back home. Think back to the 1990s when cigars began making their mark as prestige items and products made by the Bellos were in big demand.
Don Pedro Bello’s business acumen paid off by receiving the coveted Crystal Leaf Award in 1998, recognizing his professionalism in the industry. In addition to the Little Havana operation another establishment is based in Nicaragua with the fifth generation of the Bello family heading the business.
Witness the hand-rolling skills of family members and employees practicing their craft at the Florida cigar production plant. The signature Bello brand is aged in cedar and is available in mild and medium texture, while La Sabana is dark and rich. Bon Bon delivers a range of intensity in a dessert-sized figurado shape.
Visit the business where the senior Bello family member is often present and willing to autograph your cigar box. Non-smokers also come just to witness the art of hand-rolling. Purchase cigars for others back home who would appreciate smoking a premium cigar or just being able to open a box of cigars and stimulate the olfactory senses with the rich, deep aroma.
See how this part of Cuban culture is engrained in Little Havana by making a stop here. Don Pedro Bello is often seen sitting outside his store greeting people. You’ll be invited to have a seat inside and try the product. If you prefer, your purchase can be sent to your address. Cuba Tobacco Cigar Co. is on the neighborhood’s iconic Calle Ocho and is open every day.